The library at MMCOA is one of the oldest and best library out of all architecture college libraries in Pune.  It has a wide collection of books (more than 7000 books), text books, National and International journals and e-journals. It is a well equipped library having a photocopy machine, printer, computers and bar code scanner. The library is enriched with collection of old and rare books which are not available in market but are immensely valuable to any academician or student pursuing architectural studies. 


Students have open access to all books and journals. Library services are computerized using Library Management Software AutolibNG.  Library Management Software is useful to track the record of books issued or available in the library.  User friendly search services are available through Online Public Access Catalogue (OPAC). Circulation services are barcode based.


Library has an Institutional Membership of Jayakar Knowledge Resource Centre, SPPU, Pune, K- Hub Architectural e- library and National Digital Library of India.

The library is referred by students, faculty members, alumni and Ph. D scholars from other colleges from all over India.


Documents required for one day membership for outside students are as follows:

  1. Letter of the Principal with signature and the college seal

      2. Original College Identity Card


Membership Fees - Rs.100 /student


Services provided by the library: 


  • Open Access facility to all. 
  • Remote access to e-resources subscribed by library.
  • Reference service to students as well as outsiders.
  • Photocopying facility.
  • Book Exhibitions on different occasions such as birth anniversaries of eminent architects and World Architecture Day.
  • Orientation Programs for First year B. Arch. Students.
  • Plagiarism, Checker X-Pro software.
  • Code of Ethics to check plagiarism , refer Plagiarism Policy MMCOA
  • Web-OPAC facility to all.


Library timings :  


  •  Monday to Saturday: 8.30 a.m. To 4.30 p.m. 


Library Books Issue Area


 Library - Books Issue Area


Library Books Stacking Area


Library - Books Stacking Area


Library Reading Area

Library - Reading Area

Library posters